Can an adult get circumcised? Although 70% of men in the United States are circumcised because it was performed as a newborn, it is possible for an adult to be circumcised. It is a simple procedure with few risks or complications. Let’s learn more about adult circumcision.
Author: Michael Hyman, MD
Your Guide To Testosterone Therapy For Low T
Testosterone is the hormone that makes men grow hair, have a deeper voice, and have a muscular build. As men age, Low T is not unusual. However, not all males are candidates for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Consider this your guide to testosterone therapy for low T.
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The Dangers Of Leaving BPH Untreated
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as BPH, describes an enlarged prostate gland in men. It is a condition many men will eventually experience, and it progresses as a man ages. Let’s discover the dangers of leaving BPH untreated.
Is My Erectile Dysfunction Treatable?
When you decide it’s finally time to talk with Dr. Michael Hyman about your erectile dysfunction, all that is needed to begin is answering some medical questions and getting a physical exam. You may have chronic health issues that could be the underlying cause. You won’t know any answers until you begin.
Signs You Have Trouble With Bladder Control
Do you pee a little when you cough or sneeze? Do you find yourself running to the bathroom because you suddenly have to go? You could be male or female, but the cause is the same: urinary incontinence. Here are the main signs you have trouble with bladder control and then what to do.
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Erectile Dysfunction In Younger Men: A Guide
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, can affect a 75 year old male as well as a man who is 25. People typically expect a senior to have this issue, it is actually much more common than you think. But why? Erectile dysfunction in younger men: a guide.
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Treating BPH In Older Men: What You Should Know
By the time men turn 60 years old, 50% of them have developed the condition benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH. It is not cancerous, but it does have significant symptoms and side effects. Treating BPH in older men: what you should know.
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Don’t Let These ED Myths Stop You From Treatment
If you, or your partner, continue to postpone treatment for ED symptoms, now is the time to talk with Dr. Michael Hyman in Encino about your options. Don’t let these ED myths stop you from treatments. Instead, get the facts from a professional.
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How To Have The Vasectomy Talk
No matter who is doing the talking and who is doing the listening, having the vasectomy talk is rife with awkwardness and pitfalls. Most times it is the female trying to get her man to undergo the procedure, so it is better to have all your facts and talking points in order. Then start slowly. Here are some tips on how to have the vasectomy talk and what to emphasize.
BPH Symptoms: Signs You May Have An Enlarged Prostate
As men age their hair becomes a bit grey, their tummy might expand a bit, wrinkles appear out of nowhere, energy levels drop, and they can develop an enlarged prostate. Let’s learn more about the signs you may have an enlarged prostate.
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